Here is a collection of my favourite photos and quotes that I have come across in the past two months.
My new tattoo designed by Chris' cousin, Char.
A lotus flower to represent something beautiful coming out of the darkness.
The om symbol to represent peacefulness.

We moved into our new house on Friday, June 3!!!
Nothing has brought me more happiness in the past year than this move to our new peaceful sanctuary.  
Backyard bonfires with family.
My first house party with my staff! So stoked to have my kitchen back :).

I have discovered Aerial Yoga.
It is so soothing to be hanging in the air, stretching, and challenging myself!

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  1. Beautiful post, makes me smile.

  2. Beautiful post, makes me smile.

  3. love it all, especially quote #2 :) What a great combo of things to kick off summer!


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