It's my sister-in-law's birthday today and here is the card I made for her!

The card front came together quite by accident...I was trying out the Fallen Acorn distress mica stain using the Lawn Fawn Snowflake Trio stencil and noticed a lot of leftover spray on top of my stencil. I decided to sop it up using a piece of kraft cardstock overtop and LOVED how it turned out!

I decided to use a sentiment from Pigment Craft Co. in Lumberjack Plaid distress oxide ink (the recipient's favourite colour) and pop it up using some foam squares.

Stamps: Sweater Season Sentiments (Pigment Craft Co.)
Stencil: Snowflake Trio (Lawn Fawn)
Ink: Lumberjack Plaid distress oxide (Tim Holtz)
Dies: Stitched Borders (Lawn Fawn); Sweater Season Sentiments (Pigment Craft Co.)

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